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Vice Chairman Message

Your Path to a World of Opportunities

Muhammad Razzaq Shakir

I migrated to Europe 30 years back at a teen age, I was left alone thirsty in desert of vultures. It was an immigration through an agent with hard earned legal money, where I was cheated. It shook me to cores. Being helpless working 20 hrs every day to make both ends meet, for next 10 years with sheer dedication, sacrifices, hardships, working tirelessly to fight obvious failure. Finally, I achieved my goal of becoming a legal foreign citizen. Every day of those 10 years I prayed & committed to fight against the menace of illegal immigration & human trafficking by helping 1000s in their quests to migrate to future Alhamd u Lillah. My journey has been a tapestry woven with diverse threads—encountering obstacles, navigating through uncharted territories, and witnessing the transformative power of perseverance. I’ve stood at crossroads where challenges turned into opportunities, igniting a passion to assist others in their pursuit of a brighter future.
At Go-Foreign, we’ve crafted a sanctuary where aspirations take flight and barriers are transcended. Our aim is to create a seamless passage for individuals aspiring to venture beyond borders, offering not just services but an unwavering commitment to nurturing dreams.
As the Vice-Chairman of Go-Foreign, I see our company as a conduit for possibilities, a space where aspirations converge with expertise, and where every challenge becomes a milestone in the journey toward success. Together, let’s embark on this voyage of transformation, where aspirations find wings and dreams find realization.
I invite you to join us in sculpting a world where boundaries fade, dreams flourish, and every individual finds their path to success.
Warm Regards,
Muhammad Razzaq Shakir
Vice-Chairman, “Go-Foreign” Migrate to Future